Unique Advertising Opportunities in Newspapers

1. ROP: Run of Press advertising means an ad placed on the pages of a newspaper. This best-known newspaper advertising option offers short deadlines and proximity of editorial that enhances visibility.

2. Preprints: Preprinted inserts offer advertisers the flexibility and control of creating and printing advertising that the newspaper distributes.

3. Zoned/Targeted ROP: Advertisers who need to reach a subset of the full run newspaper circulation can often do so in partial circulation editorial products' slightly smaller distribution for slightly less cost.

4. Web sites of newspapers: Among the most popular Web sites in any community is the one operated by your local newspaper. Advertising on local newspaper Web sites offers significant targeting opportunities and cost efficiency.

5. Database marketing: It may come as a surprise but newspapers are typically among the largest mailers in any local market. In addition to managing both subscriber and non-subscriber databases, many newspapers offer an array of database marketing services.

6. Flyers: Many newspapers offer advertisers a simple and inexpensive opportunity of both printing and distributing single sheet flyers at costs significantly less than printing and handing out, or printing and mailing. These flyers can be inserted into the newspaper in selective distribution methods or into newspaper-produced Total Market Coverage packages.

7. Niche products/Special sections: Newspapers offer a myriad of opportunities where a special marketplace is created to help in targeting an advertiser's best prospects. These products may be inserted into the newspaper or may be distributed in other ways needed to best attract the niche audience.