Advertising for Local Businesses
The Gringo Times is the most widely read newspaper by local English speaking residents. The most effective way to reach these residents and let them know about your business is to advertise in the local paper, particularly the classified ads section
1. People hear about you. Maybe they didn't know you existed. There are new residents arriving every week. Just because you've been here a while doesn't mean they'll find you. The classifieds sections of a local paper is the first place people turn to when looking for a local business.
2. Regular advertising builds your name awareness. Who do you think of when someone mentions running shoes?
Do you have a new product you want people to know about?
Are you considering running a promotion to boost your business sales?
Are you offering a new service?
Does every local resident think of you FIRST when they are looking for your type of business?
Can they remember exactly where you are?
Do they all have your phone number?
Classified advertising starts from as little as 100 pesos (3 bucks) a month.
We have a detailed map of the Sosua (other towns coming soon) in every newspaper where we can pin-point your exact location.
You can provide your own advert or use our free newspaper advert designing service.
Don't leave getting more customers to chance - the Gringo Times is the one sure way to boost your business.
If you are not in the local newspaper, consider how many potential customers you are losing each month?
Can you really afford to miss out?
Contact us today to discuss the advertising opportunities available.